Comprehensive Planning

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Transparency with fees

As an Independent Registered Investment Advisor, we have no financial incentive to recommend one product or strategy over another. All fees are disclosed up-front.

Virtual Client Support

We serve our remote clients, utilizing multiple technologies such as Zoom, live chat, email and other collaborative, cloud-based communications.

Our Philosphy


Our comprehensive financial planning process is more than just investments. Strategies are unique to each individual client's goals. All strategies should align to short-range and long-range goals with careful attention to establishing a plan to accomplish the right goals at each step.

Investment Portfolio Quality

Our investment portfolios contain a high percentage of quality, dividend paying companies. We select companies with a track record of paying consistent dividends, and those we believe have a strong likelihood of future increased dividends. History reveals these companies have been far less volatile than many other market options.

Tactical Adjustments

Tactical adjustments are influenced by an analysis of the current three year economic business cycle. Our aim is to take advantage of probable trends that occur along various points of the business cycle.

Limit Risk

We attempt to limit risk in portfolios through extensive diversification, utilizing a variety of investments and investment strategies that include equities, fixed income, mutual funds, alternative investments, sustainable investments and hedging strategies. We monitor interest rate issues and incorporate defensive positions that we believe can help reduce overall market risk.

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